SPEAKER: Elizabeth Boham, MD, MS, RD
by Breast Cancer Options: In this helpful overview, Functional Medicine
Doctor and Breast Cancer Survivor Elizabeth Boham MD, MS, RD goes over
the dangers of Toxins in the
environment and what we can do to avoid
them. What kinds of exposures are linked breast cancer? Some chemicals
are known or likely to cause cancer—these are called carcinogens. Some
of these disrupt the body’s natural hormonal processes, making it more
vulnerable to cancer. Some also upset the normal processes that keep the
body healthy. Many exposures fall into more than one of these areas.
Dr. Elizabeth Boham learned how difficult it can be to navigate through
the health-care system after being diagnosed with breast cancer at the
age of 30. Through Functional Medicine, she has realized how important
it is to evaluate all of the systems in the body to discover the
underlying cause for dysfunction. Dr Boham lectures on a variety of
topics, including Women’s Health and Breast Cancer Prevention, Nutrition
Assessment, Functional Medicine / Functional Nutrition, insulin
resistance, heart health, weight control and allergies. She is an
educator for the Institute for Functional Medicine and has developed the
functional nutrition course that is being used to educate physicians
and other health professionals worldwide. She is Medical Director at the
UltraWellness Center in Lenox Mass,
- click on the titles to open the PDF's
Environment and Breast Cancer -Speaker: Janet Gray, PhD
Interactions: Cancer Drugs, Supplements & Food -Speaker: Scott Berliner, RPH Jessica Berliner, MS |
The Elephant in
the Room: Treatment Side Effects -Fertility, premature menopause and
sexual dysfunction- Corinne Menn, DO After a diagnosis of breast cancer,
women face unique female health issues that are often overlooked and not well
addressed. These concerns include: menstrual dysfunction, premature
menopause, sexual dysfunction, body image and infertility. The workshop will
explore these concerns and explain approaches for treatment.
Developments in Integrative Cancer therapies including Cancer stem cells
and Salvestrols’ anti-cancer effects- Michael
Schachter, MD- Dr. Schachter will discuss the nature
of cancer and how the prevailing view of most oncologists may NOT be correct.
He will discuss cancer as a mitochondrial-metabolic disease rather than a
somatic-mutation nuclear disease; cancer stem cells and their resistance to
chemotherapy and radiation. Relatively non-toxic approaches may be used to help
cancer patients in ways other than conventional treatments. Among the
strategies discussed will be: salvestrols, vitamins D and K2 (MK4), IV C
drips, IV alpha lipoic acid drips and oral low dose naltrexone. Cancer
Risk Reduction Lifestyle-
Heidi Puc, MD- Integrative Oncologist. |